學校簡介About Our School
學校徽章 School Badge
學校歷史 School History
學校校歌 School Song
學校位置 School Location
幼稚園 Kindergarten
小學部 Primary Section
中學部 Secondary Section
Rosaryhill School is devoted to helping her students become the persons that they are meant to be in the eyes of God and equipping them with a sound education that may enable them to play a meaningful role in society.
Rosaryhill School, under the motherly care of its Patroness, Our Lady of the Rosary, pursues its ideal of Truth (Veritas)

- by educating its students lovingly and skillfully upon a solid spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical foundation;

- by developing their gifts and strengths and encouraging in its students the development of the Christian and moral values.

- by cultivating among its students a spirit of self-motivation and learning, quest for excellence and creativity in order to cope with the demands of our changing world.